Andrew Morgan Smith signe la musique du western de Brett Donowho avec Nicolas Cage.
[© Texte : Cinezik] • #TheOldWay #AndrewMorganSmith
Tracklist (de la BO en CD ou Digital)
1. A Hanging (4:52)
2. Twenty Years Later - Walking to School (3:14)
3. Jellybeans (1:30)
4. Jimmy and the Possé (3:54)
5. Ruth's Demise (2:39)
6. Still Good Man - I Owe You More (4:53)
7. Ambush (2:05)
8. Hot Iron (2:30)
9. Colton Opens Up (4:32)
10. Can You Teach Me? - Riding Off (2:29)
11. We're Kin (3:34)
12. Monster Inside Me (1:44)
13. Briggs Rides Over the Hill (2:26)
14. Briggs is Hurt (2:09)
15. The End of Briggs? (3:20)
16. You're Going to Be a Hero (1:25)
17. The New Briggs (0:55)
Calendrier des Films & Séries
Interview B.O : Pierre Desprats (Les Reines du drame, de Alexis Langlois)
Interview B.O : Audrey Ismaël (Diamant brut, de Agathe Riedinger)