Jessica Rose Weiss signe la musique du film d'action de Pierre Morel sur une agente de la CIA (Kate Beckinsale) qui est obligée de trahir son pays pour sauver son mari kidnappé.
[© Texte : Cinezik] •
Tracklist (de la BO en CD ou Digital)
1. Level the Playing Field (3:17)
2. Mission Engaged (1:51)
3. Set It Up (0:59)
4. It's Not How It Looks (1:52)
5. Do Exactly As You're Told (1:50)
6. Ghosts Live Longer (3:27)
7. Tell Me About the File, Mr. Stoica (2:43)
8. Jarvis, You Know the Truth (1:59)
9. Is This a Setup? (0:45)
10. Where Is My Husband? (3:40)
11. Avery Searches Central Intelligence Database (2:18)
12. Are You Hanging In There? (1:33)
13. Who the F**k Are You? (1:54)
14. Lock It Down! (3:13)
15. The Whole World Has Turned Against Us (0:51)
16. Doomsday Virus (2:13)
17. Just Pay It (0:56)
18. Jarvis Found Dead (0:51)
19. Time Is Up (4:41)
20. We Don't Get a Happily Ever After (1:42)
21. A New Beginning (3:01)
Calendrier des Films & Séries