Nate Heller signe la musique de la comédie d'horreur de Marielle Heller qu'il retrouve après "Les Faussaires de Manhattan" (2019) et "L'Extraordinaire Mr. Rogers" (2020). On y entend "Riding Carousel" de Alexander McCabe.
[© Texte : Cinezik] •
Tracklist (de la BO en CD ou Digital)
1. Summer Blue (End Credits) - Nate Heller & King Isis (3:35)
2. Watching Garbage Trucks (1:26)
3. What Fresh Hell (1:12)
4. Wait for Us? (0:51)
5. In the Sweet By and By - The La Crescenta Choir (2:52)
6. Not So Quiet Mouse (0:55)
7. Fingerpainting (0:59)
8. Something to Wag (1:25)
9. More Than Craft (1:40)
10. Clobbered by the Pack (1:05)
11. Bird Dream (1:00)
12. Pile of Dead Animals (0:32)
13. We Used to Play Dogs (0:56)
14. New Nipples (0:36)
15. Watching Mother on All Fours (0:40)
16. Answering the Call (0:36)
17. Thorough Transfiguration (3:11)
18. Can I Get In (0:37)
19. Keep the Book (0:42)
20. Where Is Baby (0:29)
21. I See You, Mom (0:52)
22. We Are Gods (0:45)
23. If My Mother Were Alive (0:52)
24. What's Up with That Duck? (2:03)
25. Ready to Hibernate (1:48)
26. Summer Blue - Nate Heller & King Isis (2:30)
Calendrier des Films & Séries