Jeff Rona travaille pour la première fois avec le cinéaste Todd Robinson (COEURS PERDUS).
[© Texte : Cinezik] •
Tracklist (de la BO en CD ou Digital)
1. The Early Dawn
2. This Is Not a Drill
3. Can We Be Redeemed For the Things We've Done?
4. Time for Farewells
5. We All Go on the Same Way on a Boat
6. Welcome Aboard
7. We Sail at Dawn
8. True Zealots
9. Twenty Ton Screws
10. These Government Drugs Are Shit
11. Like a Thousand Snowflakes
12. Engage the Phantom
13. Only Two Reasons
14. My Father
15. You Should Be Flattered
16. Sending a Signal
17. Go Below
18. They Already Have the Codes
19. If They So Much as Blink
20. Torpedoes in the Water
21. This Is Your Captain
22. Arming the Warhead
23. We're On the Bottom
24. Give Her a Message
25. To Stay Here With You
26. I Wish He Knew
27. An Ocean Away (Feat. Rachel Fannon), Carmen Rizzo Mix
Avec David Duchovny, Ed Harris, Sean Patrick Flanery...
Calendrier des Films & SériesPanorama BO : les Love Theme du cinéma en 20 musiques de Romances [Podcast]