Nathaniel Méchaly signe la musique du film d'action de Simon West.
[© Texte : Cinezik] •
Tracklist (de la BO en CD ou Digital)
1. Diving team (3:53)
2. Under water (2:56)
3. The lab (4:00)
4. Cars shooting (5:00)
5. Back to London (2:19)
6. After drinking (1:39)
7. TV news and arrest (2:09)
8. Interrogation (3:36)
9. Placing the camera (3:39)
10. Brovsky in Italy (1:53)
11. Walking with Sumner (4:47)
12. Back on the boat (1:25)
13. Miller dies in Uzbekistan (2:28)
14. Boat chase (2:43)
15. Aggy (7:47)
16. Bus chase (2:54)
17. The bomb (2:43)
18. Back home (2:25)
Calendrier des Films & Séries