Le Cratère   (2023)

Crater • Film de Kyle Patrick Alvarez • • Exclusivement sur Disney + le 12-05-2023   •

• Musique originale composée par Dan Romer, Osei Essed

Dan Romer & Osei Essed signent la musique du film d'aventure de Kyle Patrick Alvarez. 

[© Texte : Cinezik] • @Dan_romer

Le Cratère

Sortie de la BO

Original Score • Walt Disney Records (12 mai 2023)

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Tracklist (de la BO en CD ou Digital)

1. Once Upon a Moonbase (2:50)
2. What If I Fall? (4:36)
3. A Heart the Size of an Asteroid (1:33)
4. We've Never Even Been Outside Before (2:21)
5. The Eighth Quadrant (1:06)
6. A Little Something from Earth (3:26)
7. Is That the Transport? (1:28)
8. Between the Earth and the Moon (1:17)
9. Is the Sky Really Blue? (1:16)
10. Say "Treasure" One More Time (1:03)
11. First Walk on the Moon (2:43)
12. 3, 2, 1, Launch! (2:38)
13. Reach for My Hand (2:23)
14. We All Played (1:15)
15. Make It to the Crater (2:53)
16. The Math Doesn't Work (2:48)
17. Welcome to the Alpha Project (4:00)
18. Back to the Colony on Foot (1:32)
19. It Splits, It Goes in Two (2:40)
20. On Gilded Wings, We've Reached the Stars (1:46)
21. That's Earth, That's Home (2:44)
22. The Death Benefit (1:18)
23. To Get Off This Rock (1:17)
24. Meteor Shower (4:32)
25. All That Blue (2:44)
26. While You Slept (4:32)
27. A Lot to Talk About (2:45)

Voir le calendrier des B.O

Autour de cette BO

Le Film

Réalisé par Kyle Patrick Alvarez

- Première diffusion : 12-05-2023 (Exclusivement sur Disney +)

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